Openly gay boxer Orlando Cruz to fight Friday night
By Jim Buzinski | October 18, 2012
Chris Kluwe video: Opposing gay marriage ‘not what America stands for’
By Jim Buzinski | October 15, 2012
Majority of 62 pro athletes polled by ESPN in favor of gay marriage
By Jim Buzinski | October 14, 2012
Gay Games to skip sports conference in Russia out of fear for safety
By Jim Buzinski | October 11, 2012
Openly gay boxer Orlando Cruz has been embraced since coming out
By Jim Buzinski | October 8, 2012
Read the PG version of the Chris Kluwe pro-gay marriage letter
By Jim Buzinski | October 7, 2012
UFC president Dana White’s one regret: Using ‘faggot’
By Jim Buzinski | October 3, 2012
Brendon Ayanbadejo: Matt Birk’s kids will disagree with him on gay marriage
By Jim Buzinski | October 3, 2012
Los Angeles Clippers Matt Barnes calls cop ‘f—ing faggot’
By Jim Buzinski | October 2, 2012
Texas Rangers’ Derek Holland says ‘fag’ tweet wasn’t his
By Jim Buzinski | October 2, 2012
Tom Daley entertains Twitter fans with his photo of the day
By Jim Buzinski | October 2, 2012
Baltimore Ravens center Matt Birk against same-sex marriage; Chris Kluwe responds
By Jim Buzinski | October 1, 2012
Ed ‘Guns’ Hochuli has moment in spotlight as regular NFL referees return
By Jim Buzinski | October 1, 2012
Chris Kluwe gets hate mail cartoon for his pro-gay marriage stance
By Jim Buzinski | September 26, 2012
Photos: Grand tradition of the Aussie Rules Football recovery session
By Jim Buzinski | September 26, 2012